Bathrooms for Transgendered People: What is Fair?
We humans, as a species, are ever evolving. That’s a good thing! Most of us have learned from peaceful demonstrations and further...
Now That's Respect!
The other day, I was passing two second graders down one of my school corridors. As they were approaching in my direction, I heard the...
The Age Old Dilemma: Extrinsic Rewards vs. Intrinsic Rewards
I read a post from Linked In connection, David Ginsburg. In his article, he said that his biggest regret as a teacher was giving...
A Little Character Education Goes a Long Way
Have you ever had a shopping experience where you keep bumping into the same family while you are browsing the store? Johnny is sitting...
"All Triangles Are Not Bad": A Lesson on Diversity
This readers’ theatre is a great tool to start the conversation on the benefits of diversity. I give each table group a set of laminated...
Autonomous teachers are happier teachers, research finds
Teachers who feel in control of their working lives are significantly happier than those whose headteachers allow them little autonomy,...
Before You Bully Based on Faith . . .
We all make sense of our environment using our five senses and the information we receive from trusted family members. My first example...
Take Care of Your Inside as Well as Your Outside
Sahaj Kohli Become a fan Lifestyle Blog Editor, The Huffington Post How to 'Work Out' Your Heart: A Guide to Building Emotional Strength...
Kindness Just Makes Common Sense
My husband and I took out his roadster for a spin around our over-55 community. In a neighboring subdivision, we passed what looked like...