Concussion: Don't Be a Caveman!
Just saw the movie, “Concussion.” Wow! I think we still have some cavemen in our midst! Dr. Bennet Omalu’s evidence brought out the...
Taking a Break for the Holidays
Just came back from celebrating my tenth wedding anniversary with my husband, Philip. We went on the same Western Caribbean cruise we...
Peace and Goodwill on the School Campus
In this season of peace and goodwill towards men, I would like to plea for some of the same in the school systems that offer their...
Cultural Education a Must in ESL Classes
Last week, I walked into our small town post office to mail my Christmas cards. A young couple of uncertain foreign origin had gone...
Kinesthetic and Tactile Spelling Lessons Make Words Memorable
We all know Howard Gardner’s research found that children learn in different ways. Some children learn with music. Some learn better...
A Happy Medium is Required in Culturally Responsive Classrooms
I have read articles similar to the one I am providing via the link below. It seems to imply that teachers should bend the traditional...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Best Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is here, so our minds have turned To what time has taught us, to what we’ve learned: We often focus all...
I'm Thankful for Remembering the Innocence of Youth
As Thanksgiving nears, I realize that I have a lot to be thankful for. Over the past two weeks, I discovered what a beautiful thing it...
Great American Teach-In is Neat!
How neat is Great American Teach-In? Students have the opportunity for exposure to all sorts of jobs they have never heard of before. ...
Grief and Thanks
Just as when the inside of a volcano rumbles and the earth around it falls, when the mother rock of your family cries, the smaller rocks...