An Active Shooting Here?
A mile down the country road from me is a combination middle and high school. Yesterday, as I approached it on my way to a doctor’s...
"If We All Treated Each Other Like Family, Maybe There Wouldn't Be Any of This"
Again in the news, another senseless killing of a police officer. A lady who was at the funeral observed that the fellow officers of the...
Gratitude in Action
On January 7th, I wrote a blog asking parents not to deprive their children of experiencing gratitude. Today I saw a beautiful example...
Spread the Joy of Gratitude
I am 57 years old and feeling quite gracious right now. My future son-in-law called me “Ma.” I never knew how honored I would feel when...
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
I just read an article claiming that today’s children are overprotected and deprived of opportunities to work problems out. A...
The Apple Does Not Fall Far from the Tree: A Plea for a Proactive Action Against Bullying
As initial news coverage of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter emerged, a portrait of his brother in disbelief was broadcast. The...
When Do We Start a Culture of Peace?
Standoffish! Disconnected! Antisocial! These are qualities witnesses used to describe Stephen Paddock, the latest mass murderer in the...
C'mon! Hop on Board the Anti-Bullying Express Before the Next Hurricane
During the press lead up to and the duration of Hurricane Irma, I heard countless city commissioners, sheriffs and mayors ask people to...
Does Your Anti-bullying Plan Have a Pro-Active Element?
“Proactive?” you ask. Did you know that the profiles of most bullies contain information indicating that they react out of jealousy,...
Which Sandal Will Dads Fix First?
CNN just reported last night that a study found that fathers cater more to their daughters than to their sons, thus explaining the lesser...